You may want users to be able to add or modify events up to a certain point. For example, perhaps you allow users to reserve use of shared meeting rooms. They can add their booking request to the calendar. Then the request is reviewed and once it’s approved, you don’t want users to change anything about the booking. Or you might have a group calendar and allow users to submit events. Once an event is approved, you don’t want group members to make changes without approval from the group admins. You can use this method to “lock” events so they can’t be modified except by authorized people.
How to lock events from being changed
To lock events from being changed by users, you can add them to a sub-calendar that is not shared with those users or with read-only permission assigned for those users. You can either move the events from one sub-calendar to another, or keep them on the original calendar and also assign them to the read-only calendar. Once an event is assigned to a read-only calendar, users cannot change the event even if it is still also assigned to the original sub-calendar.
Here’s an example:
- A user has modify-my-events permission for the Booking sub-calendar, and read-only permission for the Approved sub-calendar.
- The user submits a booking request on the Booking calendar.
- The supervisor reviews the request.
- To approve and “lock” the booking from further changes, the supervisor assigns the approved booking to both the Booking sub-calendar and an Approved sub-calendar.
- The user can still view the event but can’t change it, because they only have read-only permission for the Approved calendar.
How to set it up
You can set this up by using a sub-calendar that is not shared with the users. Create a new one, if needed. Then, to lock events, assign the event to both the original sub-calendar and the one that is not shared. To unlock it, move it back to the original sub-calendar only or to another sub-calendar which users can edit.
Or, for each user or link, include a sub-calendar with read-only permission assigned. If users currently have modify or modify-my-events to all the sub-calendars (and need to have that permission), you can create a new sub-calendar for this purpose. Then, update the access for each user or link to include this sub-calendar with read-only permission. To lock an event, simply add it to this calendar in addition to the original (or move it from the original to this one). If you want to unlock an event, move it back to the original calendar only.