The Teamup Difference: Look & Feel

Teamup is for groups!

Most other calendars are for individuals to schedule personal appointments and track to-dos.

Teamup provides calendar solutions for groups to organize people, resources, and activities. With countless ways to capture information, visualize calendar data and a modular approach to sharing calendars and events, Teamup makes it easy to organize all relevant information on a calendar and enable teams to get jobs done efficiently.

Organize holistically 

Combine schedules for people, resources, and activities into one calendar on a single page. Organize sub-calendars with color-coding and folder hierarchy for entities that have their own life timeline. Set custom fields beyond who-where-when for attributes that are event-specific to people, resources, and activities.

drivers trucks schedule
studios for booking
Sport team calendar
Athletics department calendar

Features to explore

Shift perspective effortlessly

Go from details to the big picture

Switch between 11 unique calendar views. See calendar data in different data ranges, with adjustable resolutions and diverse layouts. Visualize scheduling information and open up new windows for insights. Zoom in to focus on the details by setting the resolution as short as 5 minutes. Zoom out to see the big picture for quarterly planning, project timelines, and reviews. Year view shows multiple months or the whole year at a glance on one screen. See side-by-side sub-calendars in multi-day Scheduler view. Work with sortable calendar data in Table view

The Year view

The multi-day Scheduler view, with adjustable resolution and date range

scheduler with months

The Scheduler view with a 12-month date range and 1-month resolution

Calendar with 52-week view

The adjustable Multi-week view set to 52 weeks

Calendar with 52-week view

Table view with each event field in its own column

Create a hub of information 

Work schedules are often limited to the most basic information: Who, When, Where. However, getting the job done requires more than that. Without a systematic way to capture all the job details and documents, people rely on whatever is easiest. The result: disorganization, lacking documentation, and inefficiency. Teamup provides expandable space to capture all relevant information. Upload files, add comments, assign events to multiple sub-calendars, and create custom fields for organized links, pre-filled options, or even numerical data. Attach reference images, PDF files, and more. Add relevant links to any calendar event. Use comments for feedback, collaboration, and secure time-stamped documentation (with images) from crew on the ground.

Job details on Teamup
Custom field with dropdown options
Custom field with dropdown options
comments proof of delivery

Features to explore

How it works in real-life:

Organized job information for streamlined communication

Read more

The main improvement we gained with Teamup is having all information for a job in one place that is easily accessible by everyone.

Before Teamup all documents were printed and stored in a phusical folder so it took longer to find information, and it was only accessible by office staff. Now we have a digital copy of all plans and orders that can quickly be accessed by everyone, including installers and contractors out of the office via the Teamup mobile app.

The team uploads photos to comments at every stage of the job, from site measure to installation. Uploading photos helps significantly with communication bwtween departments. It’s much easier to understand a problem if you can see a photo of it.

Nick Deas, Kitchen FX

Connect online and offline 

Work happens in many places: in the office, at a desk, on the field, on the road. To keep all the pieces connected, you need a system that’s flexible and scalable, to work for you and grow with you. With Teamup, you can build a customizable scheduling system that’s accessible to the people who need it, wherever they are. Match calendar color-coding and visual cues with your real-world setup. Share status updates between locations. Use the Teamup app to keep everyone updated automatically.

How it works in real life:

A master of color-coding

A housekeeping team organizes their jobs on a Teamup calendar. When they need to do a job at a client site, they need not only to be there at the scheduled time but also with all the equipment, client requirements and all the details of the job to be done. Read the story.

We love the color coding feature, as it helps our Teams differentiate who they will be working alongside and which vehicle they are assigned to. We color code all our equipment as well, so that our teams are sure to grab all their supplies for the day. This allows us to stay organized and make any changes immediately (if a van is in the mechanic’s shop, we simply change that Team’s color on the calendar for the day, so they know how to proceed and what supplies go with them). 

Joe Redington, Frontline Housekeeping

Modular access 

Sharing schedules is more than giving access to a calendar. People need all the relevant information in order to get their jobs done. For business critical operations, supervisors can grant customized access and enable staff members to get their jobs done with the right information at the right time. Teamup helps reduce information overload, improves communication, and contributes to overall business success. Learn more about sharing calendars with flexible access permissions.

How it works in real life:

Tailor information access at user level. More clarity. Less confusion.

A pavement company has been using Teamup to schedule jobs and manage multi-state operations since 2015. Read the story.

The varied permissions are still OUR biggest luxury with this calendar as well. We have so many varied positions and each one only needs a piece of the calendar to do their job. With Teamup, we can basically organize the entire company’s production process without confusing or overloading any of our departments with information that they do not need. We have a second division in another state, and recently decided to combine the two calendars by creating subcalendars for each division. This has further streamlined information for our transportation division, and they only have to look one place to get the information that they need to order/deliver product for your projects. Everyone else can simply “turn off” the division that does not apply to them, and continue as normal.

Teresa Ortiz, Holbrook Asphalt

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